Most people are aware that the United States faces an opioid crisis. However, many do not know the exact details of dealing with it. What happens if you are the one in the middle of opioid addiction? How hard is it to come off opioids, and what are opioid withdrawal symptoms? People with opioid use disorder usually want to know the answers to these questions.
Also, fear is a reason some people with this disorder do not take steps to end their drug use. They don’t know what to expect or they’ve heard stories about how bad the withdrawal is. It’s definitely not a good idea to withdraw from drugs without the support of medical professionals. However, with the help of an opioid addiction treatment program, you can safely withdraw from this drug and go on to live a happy, productive life.
What are the Effects of Opioids?
Opioids affect the brain’s pleasure center, which is the dopamine and opioid receptors. By taking opioids, you experience a sensation that triggers euphoria. This serves as a reward, which encourages you to continue using it again in the future. It is similar to how the brain acts in the opposite if it learns that a certain action produces harm —we learn to avoid it. For example, if you touch something very hot and it burns you, your brain tells you to never touch that item again. You almost instinctively recoil from it if you are around it. With opioids, your brain does the opposite thing. It sends such a positive feeling and rewards that want to do it again and again. This is how addiction works.
How Do You Know You’re Addicted to Opioids?
People may often wonder if they suffer from addiction to opioids. For example, here are some of the signs that you may be struggling with opioid addiction:
- Opioids are all you think about
- You can’t wait to do your next one
- Spending all your money on the drug
- Obtaining the drug illegally (some opioids are prescription)
- Abusing your prescription opioid by doing too much or snorting, injecting, or smoking it
- Anxiety about the thoughts of quitting
What are Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms?
People can become addicted to opioids very rapidly. Every person is different but a few indicators that you have an addiction and having withdrawal symptoms include:
- Yawning frequently for no reason
- Aches and pains in the muscles and stomach cramping
- Goosebumps
- Accelerated heart rate, dilated eyes, and watery eyes
- Moodiness, agitation, and discontent or anxiety
- Nausea or vomiting
Opioid withdrawal, while not life-threatening, is incredibly uncomfortable. Quitting “cold turkey” leaves you at a high risk of relapsing. At an addiction rehab, medical care from professional clinicians helps you get through this phase safely and quickly.
Find Help Today
Finally, at AspenRidge Recovery, our compassionate staff is dedicated to making sure you feel at home at our center. We provide a comprehensive treatment program for those suffering from substance use disorder. Our programs include:
- 90 Day Drug Rehab Program
- PHP (Partial Hospitalization Treatment Program)
- IOP (Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program)
- OP (Outpatient Treatment Program)
- Rehab Aftercare Planning Program
- Rehab Alumni Support Group
In conclusion, don’t let opioid addiction control your life. Now that you know the opioid withdrawal symptoms, you can seek treatment to overcome the issue. Contact AspenRidge Recovery for insurance verification at 866.977.8625, and we’ll help you get on the journey to healing.
AspenRidge Recovery is a drug and alcohol rehab facility in Lakewood, Colorado. The center embodies an approach wherein addiction and alcoholism gain treatment with the Twelve Steps in tandem with various mental health and trauma therapies. Accredited by the Joint commission and retaining a staff of industry leaders, AspenRidge Recovery provides clients with individualized care and superior treatment. Learn More About AspenRidge here.